Agricultural Education and Ag Shows

What is Ag Ed, and Why is it Important?

          Agricultural Education encompasses a large range of educational experiences, aimed at equipping all manners of individuals with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes not only necessary for success in the agricultural industry, but also those relevant in everyday life. 

          Ag-Ed can take many forms, from formal education courses at schools or universities, as well as informal ones in the form of agricultural extension services, vocational training or certifications, and experiential learning (whether on a farm, at an Ag-Ed display/experience at your local show, and so much more). It covers a diverse array of topics, from agronomy, to animal science, to engineering. 

          The primary goal of Ag-Ed is to prepare individuals for careers in agricultural and related fields, with the additional benefit to the everyday person in promoting agricultural literacy while fostering appreciation for the importance of agricultural in contemporary society.

          Ag-Ed is crucial in addressing pressing global challenges such as food security and environmental sustainability, especially in an increasingly interconnected world, where population growth, urbanisation, and changing dietary preferences place greater demands on agricultural systems. It also promotes entrepreneurship and economic development in rural communities, empowering farmers and agribusinesses to thrive in competitive markets, and contribute to local, regional, national, and international economies.

          While people in urban communities may see less importance or relevance in Ag-Ed than those in rural areas, it provides individuals with valuable knowledge and considerations, enhancing quality of life for individuals and communities through the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, environmental conservation, and healthy living. An introduction to Agriculture through Agricultural Education programs opens the door for so many opportunities in the way of careers in the agricultural sector.

          An important point to be made is the diverse range of careers available in the field of Agriculture. Many write off the sector as “farm work”, but opportuinites range from not only that but also business, research, trades, aviation, journalism, accounting, engineering, data science, and so much more. A list of example careers in the Agricultural Industry can be found in the link below:

The Role of Agricultural Shows in Ag-Ed

          Agricultural Shows are regarded as the most trustworthy source of information on Ag-Ed, providing a viable platform for farmers, agricultural companies, and stakeholders to showcase innovations, educate the population, and showcase livestock. Shows quite often feature a variety of educational displays, workshops, and/or presentations on topics relating to agriculture, such as careers, nutrition, or agribusiness management. Many of these learning experiences are hands-on, in the form of interactive exhibits, demonstrations and agricultural competitions. Though some may be targeted more towards the younger visitors of Shows, most people find they learn something new or interesting after attending.

          Agricultural Shows not only are a noteworthy event in rural communities, but also play a role in bridging the gap between rural producers and urban consumers with Shows in the more urban areas. A prime example is the Rural Discovery Day at Ekka at the Brisbane Showgrounds each year, an excursion for Primary students to teach children about the source of their food, or their other numerous Education programs. In placing such a strong emphasis on youth education and development, agricultural shows inspire the next generation of leaders and innovators in the Agricultural industry.

          Ag-Ed is not only learning about animals and plants, with many programs implementing STEM education, largely with hands-on activities such as soil testing, innovative equipment demonstrations, and renewable energy displays, to greater portray the large overreach of the Agricultural industry into so many areas of study.


          To find out whether your local Show Society holds Agricultural Education exhibits, displays or programs, you can find their location and contact details here.

2022 Queensland Ag Shows State Final Information will not be released until each Sub Chamber Final has been completed and the respective Sub Chamber representatives determined. The closing date for notification of Sub Chamber representatives is 30 June.