Benefits of entering into Queensland Ag Shows Competitions:
All of our Competitions provide Queenslanders across various communities with the opportunity to develop and better understand:
Leadership Skills
Community-Focused Friendships
New and Transferrable Skills
Animal Knowledge
Public Speaking Skills
Understanding of Agri-Food Production
Appraisal and Decision-Making Techniques
Involvement and Interest in the Agriculture Industry
Collegiate Learning and Shared Purpose
Better Knowledge of Food and Fibre Production Sources
Interest and Engagement with Local Shows
Opportunities to Engage with Local Community
Levels of Competition Flowchart

Award Competitions
Rural Ambassador Awards
The Queensland Rural Ambassador Awards is the preeminent rural and agricultural leadership program for Young Men and Women aged between 20 and 30.
Queensland Country Life Showgirl Awards
The Queensland Country Life Showgirl Awards recognise, develop, and celebrate Young Female Leaders in our Communities.
Young Judges & Paraders
Dairy Cattle - Young Judges & Paraders
The Queensland Ag Shows Dairy Cattle Young Judges and Paraders Competitions are conducted on a state-wide basis.
Competition is held across three levels – Local Agricultural Show, State and National Championships.
Prime Beef Cattle - Young Judges
The Queensland Ag Shows Prime Cattle Young Judges Competitions are conducted on a state-wide basis.
Competition is held across three levels – Local Agricultural Show, State and National Championships.
Stud Beef Cattle - Young Judges & Paraders
The Queensland Ag Shows Stud Beef Cattle Young Judges and Paraders Competitions are conducted on a state-wide basis.
Competition is held across three levels – Local Agricultural Show, State and National Championships.
Meat Sheep Young Judges
The Queensland Ag Shows Meat Sheep competition is conducted on a state-wide basis.
Competition is held across three levels – Local Agricultural Show, State and National Championships.
Nutrien Wool Merino Fleece Young Judges
The Queensland State Final of the Nutrien Wool Merino Fleece competition is held in conjunction with the QMSSA State Sheep Show each year, and later at the National Championships.
AgForce Merino Sheep Young Judges
The Queensland State Final of the AgForce Merino Sheep competition is held in conjunction with the QMSSA State Sheep Show each year, and later at the National Championships
Poultry Young Judges
Queensland Ag Shows run the Poultry Young Judges competition on a state-wide basis.
The competition is held across three levels – Local Show, State Finals and National Finals.
Other Competitions
Dark Rich Fruit Cake
This competition is a test of skills in the fine art of baking a Dark Rich Fruit Cake
Next Generation ANZAC Biscuit Competition
The Next Generation ANZAC Biscuit Competition is open for competitors aged between 18 and 40 years old as of 1st May in the year of competition.
Ute Muster
Ute Muster is no longer conducted (effective 24th October 2022) as a state competition.
It is still conducted by a number of Show Societies and you can contact you local Show Society to determine whether they run these events.
Sub-Chamber Finals
Entrants who win Queensland Ag Shows’ competitions at their local show qualify for their Sub Chamber finals.
State Finals
The winners of the Sub-Chamber Finals qualify to compete in the State Finals.
National Finals
National Competition Finals are conducted in Young Judges and Paraders and Rural Ambassador, open to the State Final winners
Competitions We Sponsor
EKKA Led Steer
Hosted by the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (RNA), and proudly supported by Queensland Ag Shows.
Natural Fibres Make & Model Competition
Queensland Ag Shows proudly sponsor the Ekka Natural Fibres Make, Model and Wearable Art Competitions.
Quilts Across Queensland
Queensland Ag Shows are proud Sponsors of the Ekka’s Quilts Across Queensland.