Queensland Ag Shows WORKSHOP SERIES

Proudly Sponsored by AJ Gallagher 

The Board has identified the below program of initiatives which fall in line with the Strategic Review process. The program also incorporates member feedback regarding the location, availability, and delivery of information to Shows across Queensland, to be delivered by Queensland Ag Shows at no cost to members. ZOOM links will be provided the week before the workshop. The workshops are open to anyone with an interest in the Queensland Show Movement.

Monthly online Information Sessions in a Panel/Q&A format commencing in March 2023 with the Queensland Ag Shows AGM and subsequently held on the 4th Thursday of each month for approximately 1 hour duration. The proposed schedule is:

  • March – Annual General Meeting – including presentation of the Queensland Ag Shows Strategic Plan 2023 – 2025 and training from Sustainable Innovation Co COMPLETED (Please click this link for resources from the workshop)
  • April (Thursday 27th April, 6:00pm via ZOOM)– Introduction of Queensland Ag Shows Executive & Portfolio Holders
  • May (Thursday 25th May, 6:00pm via ZOOM) – Sub Chamber Competitions
  • June (Thursday 22nd June, 6:00pm via ZOOM)– Online Workshop Training by Stainable Innovation Co.
  • July (Thursday 27th July, 6:00pm via ZOOM)– Insurance
  • August (Thursday 24th August, 6:00pm via ZOOM)– Queensland Ag Shows Annual Returns
  • September (Thursday 28th September, 6:00pm via ZOOM) – Governance (with a focus on Constitutions in 2023)
  • October (Thursday 26th October, 6:00pm via ZOOM)– Youth Programs
  • November (Thursday 23rd November, 6:00pm via ZOOM)– Secretaries Forum
  • February (2024) (Thursday 22nd February 2024, 6:00pm via ZOOM)– Treasurers Forum

Additional topics will be added going forward based on feedback.

Face to Face Queensland Ag Shows Workshops in Central Queensland Sub Chamber and South-East/West Moreton Brisbane Valley Sub Chambers. Ideally these workshops will be held in November 2023 in consultation with the Sub Chambers and in line with the respective Annual General Meetings.

This is not a decision that Queensland Ag Shows has taken lightly and we strongly believe these forums will better meet the needs of all members. The sessions will be cost and time effective to allow for greater participation by all members with an ability to choose sessions that are relevant or of interest to particular persons.  It will also allow members to access regular, up to date and relevant information to assist in the delivery of events and operation of our many and varied organisations.

Further information regarding the workshops will be communicated to members in advance for distribution to your respective committees to connect with the sessions.

As always, we would be happy to receive any feedback, suggestions or ideas from members regarding the upcoming workshops.

We also inform members of the Agricultural Shows of Australia 2023 Conference to be held in Adelaide from 30 August to 1 September prior to the Royal Adelaide Show. The National Conference will bring together the Australian and New Zealand shows movement to explore the theme “Showing into the Future”, incorporating homegrown and national innovation, and international perspectives to create a unique opportunity for knowledge and connections. More information can be found here.

There is also a series of events including workshops, seminars and conferences that are provided by our international affiliate, The International Association of Fairs & Expos (IAFE). Just a word of warning, all of these events are conducted in the American Time Zones and some have a charge associated with them for resources provided. These events can be found at the following link: fairsandexpos.com/events/

2022 Queensland Ag Shows State Final Information will not be released until each Sub Chamber Final has been completed and the respective Sub Chamber representatives determined. The closing date for notification of Sub Chamber representatives is 30 June.