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No Packages Found


    All Forms below have been created as templates for all members to adapt to their individual show requirements.

    Should you be looking for a Form that is not in the list below. Please contact the office and can look further into this resource for you.

    Insurance Update Form
    Docs, Forms, Insurance, Members May 17, 2024


      Information Statements have been created to give our Members easily accessable information to assist in running their shows or be compliant as association.

      Should you have any information you feel will assist other shows or have an issue/question please feel free to contact the office.

      Insurance FAQ’S
      Docs, Information Statements, Insurance May 17, 2024


        Gallagher Insurance

        Queensland Ag Shows and all affiliated Agricultural Societies is required to hold Public Liablity insurance to conduct their annual show and associated events.

        For organisations working with affiliated Agricultural Societies, Certificates of Currency are available by contacting the Secretary of the associated Show Society.

        Our Agricultural Show Societies will require Certificates of Currency from all contractors and third parties working with or utilising Show Society facilities.

        Queensland Ag Shows also require all affiliated Show Societies to ensure competitors in high risk events acknowledge their participation in such events by way of a waiver and disclaimer form.

        Gallagher contact:

        Bronia Henty-Smith

        Team Leader, Adelaide

        Phone: (08) 8172 8024 

        Mobile: 0481 918 088 

        Gallagher – South Australia

        180 Greenhill Road, Parkside, SA, 5063

        Insurance Forms And Resources

        Insurance Update Form
        Docs, Forms, Insurance, Members May 17, 2024

          FACT SHEETS

          All Fact Sheets below have been created as additional information to assist our members with running the best Agricultural Show possible.

          Should you be looking for information that is not in the list below. Please contact the office and can look further into this resource for you.

          No Packages Found


            Information regarding Queenslands Liquor Licensing Requirements can be found on the Queensland Government Website



              The first meeting of the Showmen’s Guild in Australia was convened in Orange, NSW in 1908. The Showmen’s Guild of Australasia (the SGA) was registered under the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1904-1926 on 7 February 1927 in Melbourne, as an “Organization of Employers in connection with the Showmen’s Industry.” The SGA proudly celebrated their centenary throughout 2008 with the theme, “100 NOT OUT”. All their members are eagerly looking forward to a strong and exciting future for the Showmen’s Industry.

              Further information about the SGA can be found on the Showmen’s Guild of Australasia website.

              The Showmen’s Club
              4 Turner Avenue
              Yatala, Qld, 4207

              Phone: (07) 3807 0011
              Facsimile: (07) 3807 0730
              Email :

              The SGA are proud to offer their “Traditional Showmen Lines” which refers to products they have exclusive rights to sell. This includes: fairy floss, dagwood dogs, waffles, doughnuts, toffee apples, snow cones and cordial based drinks; toys and novelties including dolls on sticks, inflatable and soft plush toys.

              Further information on this can be found in the Memorandum of Understanding in the list below.


                2022 Queensland Ag Shows State Final Information will not be released until each Sub Chamber Final has been completed and the respective Sub Chamber representatives determined. The closing date for notification of Sub Chamber representatives is 30 June.